Just past three a.m., temperature is gradually falling to the freezing point, and I’m zipped up to the chin, feet on the space heater. Macgyver is on, but I saw this episode a few days ago. Nevertheless I’ll watch that mullet and too-tight jeans escape from Russian soldiers by constructing a hot air balloon out of a parachute, countless blankets, and half a shed. Awesome. Dexter is on next, and Hot Fuzz after that. You may ask yourself, “Why does he have a list of things to watch at 3 in the morning???”
Simple, I have a bit over three hours until the Champions league final; Manchester United v. Barcelona. Thanks to the slight time difference from London, I get to watch it live at 6:30 am. I guess I could have gone to bed and got up early, but there is no way I am taking the chance of sleeping through the alarm. I will see the sunrise, then watch ManU get slaughtered. Ahhhh, it shall be a lovely morning. Then I’ll sleep all day! No kitchen duties for me!!
Barcelona shall reign supreme!!!
3 a.m. in the mountains